
QuarkXpress QuarkXpress Layout Templates

Banner Templates

Banner Templates

Do you need help downloading the layout templates? Here are our download instructions to assist you.

Download instructions

The process for downloading files depends on the browser you are using:

The templates are saved as a "zipped" (compressed) file. To use them, you'll need to unzip them first. Locate the files on your computer and follow the steps below based on your operating system. Your files' location will depend on your browser's settings. By default, most will download to a "Download" folder within your personal folders.

In Windows, right-click on the file name, and you will get a pop-up menu. There should be an option to "Extract Files". Select that option and follow any on-screen directions. When done, you should have a folder with .jpg and .pdf files. Those are the template files.

On a Mac, no further action is required. The downloaded file will appear as a folder, which you can use normally.